Azalea Drops (E97)

Rose Quartz teardrops-
A stone of unconditional love & infinite peace. It draws loving relationships to you, heals past emotional traumas or provides support during a crisis. It teaches you how to love yourself & encourages self-forgiveness & acceptance. One of the best emotional healers, it helps one to release unexpressed emotions & heartache, transmuting all emotional conditioning that no longer serves. Opens ones heart to be more receptive of love. Excellent for trauma or crisis providing reassurance & calm. BENEFICIAL FOR: Inducing love, reducing tension, overcoming trauma, sexual imbalances, grief, addiction, overcoming rape, heart & circulatory system, chest, lungs, kidneys, adrenals, vertigo, fertility, burns, blistering, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, senile dementia (Zodiac: Taurus, Libra)
Gold-filled wire